城堡爭霸 - 聯盟霸業

by 幻想娛樂科技



The best strategy game, compete with hundreds of millions of players around the world!

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●●● 全球億萬玩家的選擇,城堡爭霸邀你一同書寫輝煌!●●● 這是一個群雄並起的時代!城堡爭霸迎來全新紀元,來自全球各個區服的領主齊聚納奇亞大陸,競逐世界第一的無上榮耀!硝煙再起,唯強者勝。最終誰才是這片大陸的唯一霸主?讓我們拭目以待! 在這場史無前例的全球征戰中,你將與世界各地的領主一較高下,是選擇與之並肩作戰共同捍衛榮耀,或是征戰八方成就霸業之路,都由領主您自己決定!城堡爭霸是款快節奏的戰爭策略遊戲,你將扮演一名領主,建設你的城堡來發展壯大自己的實力,並率領你手下的英雄,利用強大的魔法,去征服敵人的城鎮。建立起屬於自己的恢宏帝國,最終成就不朽偉業,書寫你的華麗篇章! 遊戲特色- 多樣化的城鎮升級規劃路線,將你的城鎮打造成不破堡壘!- 英雄時裝強化,讓您的英雄兼具美貌與實力!- 極簡的操作,絢麗而強大的魔法,在你的指尖凝聚,為你摧毀一切阻礙。- 招募各具超凡能力的英雄,經過戰鬥的磨礪,他們將為你建立不朽功勳。 - 在競技場中與其他玩家的英雄一分高下,爭奪最強霸主的稱號。 - 全新魂器系統,使你的英雄擁有強大的戰力。 - 多樣的皮膚和時裝系統,帶來豐富的視覺體驗。 - 爭奪聖火、搶佔據點、聯盟爭霸只為獲得無上榮耀。 - 和好友揪團組隊,團結協作共同挑戰多人副本。 - 同仇敵愾,全服合作一同抗擊湮滅將軍來襲。 - 開啟萌寵紀元。在細心的培養下,它們將在戰場上一展風采。 - 挑戰大師副本,贏得史詩英雄。注意!本遊戲需要網路連接。相關資訊 台灣代理商 : 幻想娛樂科技股份有限公司《Facebook》:http://www.facebook.com/CastleClashTw/依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導12歲級,12歲以上之人始得使用。本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。●●● The choice of hundreds of millions of players around the world, Castle Hegemony invites you to write brilliant together! ●●● Its a time for a group of heroes! Castle hegemony ushered in a new era. Lords from all regions of the world gathered in Nakia Continent to compete for the supreme glory of the worlds number one! The smoke of gunpowder rises again, only the strong will win. In the end, who is the only overlord of this continent? let us wait and see!In this unprecedented global battle, you will compete with lords from all over the world. Whether you choose to fight side by side with them to defend the glory, or conquer all directions to achieve dominance, it is up to you to decide!Castle Clash is a fast-paced war strategy game where you play as a lord, build your castle to grow your strength, and lead your heroes to conquer enemy towns with powerful magic. Build your own magnificent empire, and finally achieve immortal greatness and write your magnificent chapter!Game Features- Diverse town upgrade planning routes to build your town into an unbreakable fortress!- Hero fashion enhancement, make your hero both beauty and strength!- Minimalist operation, gorgeous and powerful magic, condensed at your fingertips, destroying all obstacles for you.- Recruit heroes with extraordinary abilities, and they will build immortal feats for you after honing in battle.- Compete against other players heroes in the arena for the title of the strongest overlord.- The new Horcrux system makes your heroes powerful.- Diverse skins and fashion systems bring a rich visual experience.- Compete for the flame, seize the points, and fight for the alliance for the supreme glory.- Team up with friends to challenge multiplayer dungeons together.- Share the enemy, and cooperate with the entire server to fight the attack of General Oblivion.- Open the era of cute pets. Under careful cultivation, they will show their style on the battlefield.- Challenge master dungeons and win epic heroes.Notice! This game requires an internet connection.relevant information Taiwan Distributor : Fantasy Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CastleClashTw/According to the game software classification management method, this software is for tutoring 12-year-olds, and only those over 12 can use it.This game is free to download, and the game also provides paid services such as the purchase of virtual game currency and items.Please pay attention to the usage time and avoid indulging in the game.【新增內容】1. 全新PVP玩法-世界王者。2. 新英雄:虛空傀俑。3. 新增晶石技能:龍之祝福。4. 新增魂器技能:捨身一擊。5. 英雄時裝:虛空傀俑--藍輝金甲。6. 新增飾品類裝備:靜息之鏈、靜息之環;霜凍銀鏈、霜凍銀戒。7. 新增超級寵物:海之妖王、變異海之妖王。【優化調整】1. 競技場、聯盟爭霸、愛心轉盤、徽章,獎勵調整。2. 道具屋聲望兌換商店新增巔峰焱岩。3. 團隊副本雙倍狂歡獎勵時間調整為全天開啟。4. 資源快捷補足時,若其他資源或道具充足,僅金幣和魔水不足,新增使用寶石快捷購買資源的選項。5. 聖火之戰編隊介面,展示己方英雄的天賦。6. 道具出售、使用,道具屋道具兌換,可支持小鍵盤輸入具體數值的快捷功能。7. 獲得新的頭像框、頭像、爵位禮包、新道具後,將出現紅點提示。【BUG修復】1. 修復了部分功能無法使用資源包,直接詢問使用寶石補充資源的問題。2. 修復聖火戰第三階段查看錄影閃退的問題。3. 修復當天團隊副本未開時,從主線任務可進入副本的問題。4. 修復從搜索ID介面添加好友,進行私聊後,名字顯示異常的問題。